Tue, Mar 18, 2025

2 PM – 3 PM (GMT+10)

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Campus Ministry Lounge

1100 Nudgee Road, Banyo, QLD 4014, Australia

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How do we know God exists? Why does God let bad things happen to good people? Who created God? Aren't all religions, deep down, saying the same thing?
Most of us have many questions about faith, God and religion. Most of us have never been given a place to ask these questions or discuss and rationalise our beliefs or the beliefs of those around us. Connect Groups are a place to do this - to connect with your peers in a common pursuit of exploring life's bigger questions and having the opportunity to reason with one another. Meeting weekly during semester also provides the opportunity to build strong friendships and a sense of belonging to a community.
Wherever you are at, this is a chance for you to take time out during your Uni week, invest in yourself and go on a journey of discovery with others!
Food Provided (Tea, coffee, light snacks.)


Campus Ministry Lounge

1100 Nudgee Road, Banyo, QLD 4014, Australia

Hosted By

Campus Ministry BNE | Students | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: What's on Brisbane

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