Student Life - Campus - Ballarat, Campus - Brisbane, Campus - Canberra, Campus - Melbourne, Campus - North Sydney, Campus - Strathfield, Campus - Blacktown, Campus - National
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Kristin Bato, Email group officers
Mission Student Voice is an initiative that provides an avenue for you to express your views, needs, and concerns and puts you into working relationships with the staff of the university.
Membership BenefitsBeing a part of the program allows you to get involved, help change, shape the student experience, and provide your opinion and feedback.Form professional and peer relationships, gain invaluable experience that looks great on your resume and have your say!
The Student Voice program is open for students who would like to help voice their opinions and shape the student experience. Please answer the additional questions when signing up so that we are able to partner you with the best opportunity suited to you.
More details required: • Name: • Student number: • Course and year: • Student type (UG, PG, HDR): • Are you a domestic or international student? • Expected graduation year: • Why would you like to be included in the Student Voice program? • Why do you believe you would be a good choice for the Student Voice program? • Would you be able to attend a Student Voice training session before beginning your time as a Student Voice representative?
Will end at Graduation