General information and frequently asked questions
What sort of commitment is needed? We hope you'll come along each week, but we understand how busy life (and uni) can be! We ask that you do your best to participate whenever you can. Most of all, we expect everyone to be "performance ready" by the performance week (last week of June).
Do I need to read music? Being able to read music is useful, but not required for singers. We will provide you with a range of tools and resources so you can learn the music in various ways, e.g., listen to rehearsal tracks or read lyric sheets.
My abilities require some support or assistance. Is that okay? We are co-designing with students, staff, ACU's student services and others from the community to help increase access and inclusion. We are eager to learn what you need. Please let us know if you'd like to join the co-design team, too.
What level or experience is needed? We are 'community-based'. Participants will have a range of experience, from beginners to advanced (including some professionals!) and everything in between. it's fun and you'll learn a lot from each other! Our leadership team will help guide you along the way.
Do I have to audition? Choir and orchestra members are not required to audition. Solo voices may need to audition. Auditions will be held during the semester, if needed.
When are rehearsals? Click on the SCHEDULE tab for more info. If you can't make it to the weekly rehearsal on campus, there is an online option that will be recorded. There are also one or two ensembles external to ACU who are participating, too. So get in touch and we'll find a solution for you!
What instruments are needed? The program will include a 'chamber orchestra' with some pieces for instruments-only. Rock instruments will also be needed, such as electric guitar, bass guitar, drums. Let us know what you can play.
When will the instruments rehearse? They will start late-April or early May. Because we combine with players outside the university, those rehearsals will be on a week night or the weekend. Further details will be available soon.
Does it cost money to join? Free for ACU students. We received HEPPP funding for 2025, which will cover the cost of music for ACU students. Others will need to buy the music, which will cost about $20 (exact cost TBA).